검색결과 리스트
336x280(권장), 300x250(권장), 250x250, 200x200 크기의 광고 코드만 넣을 수 있습니다.
Some important guidelines to follow before continuing with the instructions on this page:
- We will assume that you have installed the assembler in the C:\Masm615 directory.
- The 16-bit linker supplied with MASM does not permit filenames longer than eight characters, excluding the extension. The same goes for the directory name holding the program.
- Make sure your source filenames have .ASM extensions and they are no longer than eight characters (not counting the extension).
The following is a simplified listing, minus all the remark (REM) lines of make32.bat:
REM make32.bat - Batch file for assembling/linking 32-bit Assembly programs @echo off REM The following three lines can be customized for your system: ML -Zi -c -Fl -coff %1.asm REM add the /MAP option for a map file in the link command. LINK32 %1.obj irvine32.lib kernel32.lib /SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /DEBUG dir %1.* :terminate |
파일메뉴 Tools -> cumstomize -> tools
(Run 부분) argument 안에 (FileName).exe -> $(FileName).exe 로 수정해야함
[출처]Visual studio 6.0에서 어셈블리어 컴파일 설정법|작성자티타니아
파일메뉴 Tools -> cumstomize -> tools
(Run 부분) argument 안에 (FileName).exe -> $(FileName).exe 로 수정해야함
[출처]Visual studio 6.0에서 어셈블리어 컴파일 설정법|작성자티타니아
'-- MASM' 카테고리의 다른 글
어셈블리강좌 (0) | 2009.05.14 |
Intel Pentium Instruction Set Reference (ASMHelp) (0) | 2009.05.14 |
inline asm helloworld (0) | 2008.04.18 |
masm helloworld (0) | 2008.03.21 |
MASM Custom AppWizard (0) | 2008.03.11 |