Semantic HTML5 Page Layout

-- HTML5 2012. 9. 6. 13:11
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Service Oriented HTML Application (SOHA) promotes clean and well structured HTMLcode, and the initial SOHA page layout template HTML code is based on XHTML 1.0transitional standard. The XHTML 10 Transitional DOCTYPE helped to create wellformatted XML based HTML at design time, some IDE (like Visual Studio 2010,Dreamweaver) has excellent intelliSense or code hints to help identifypotential HTML syntax errors while constructing the page. However, the XHTMLstandards is not where HTML5 is heading to based on WHATWG specifications, and W3Calready disbanded the working group for XHTML2, and devoted more resources to HTML5. Since SOHA is still new and HTML5 is where the web is moving to, it's timeto make the basic HTML page template to be more future-proof and more HTML5-ready, while keeping all the benefits of Plain Old Semantic HTML (POSH) for valid, semantic, accessible,well-structured HTML.

The reality about XHTML is that it has more stricter syntax formatrequirement but gave developers almost no new feature when migrating to it, andit's estimated that there is only 1% of HTML is XHTML based in the entire web.That's the major reason for all browsers being much forgiving in terms ofrendering not-well-formatted HTML and need to stay backward compatible to dealwith existing web contents that not XHTML formatted and even without DOCTYPE atall (Browser Quirk Mode). This is also an important factor that WHATWG takinginto account to promote HTML rather than XHTML, it allows tags like <img>, <br> stay valid withoutclosing tag and does not require tag attribute values to be wrapped in quotes,etc. The idea is to go with a version-less standard that keeps evolving andalso always backward compatible for existing web pages.

This article provides a practical HTML5 based page layouttemplate for valid, semantic, accessible, well-structured HTML, it hassimplified structure and less HTML code with meaningful semantic tags, works inolder browsers (including Internet Explorer 6, Internet Explorer 7 and Firefox2) as well as in modern browsers with HTML5 capabilities. By applyingthese HTML5 semantic tags (like <header>, <section>, <nav>, <aside>, etc.) based pagestructure will make web page using concise future-proof HTML5 semantically meaningful tags for contents, much easier to understandand maintain. It also enables us to start using HTML5 today while both browsersand HTML5 standards are evolving.

Asample HTML page that leverages semantic HTML5 page layout can beviewed here.



This HTML5semantic tags page layout template can be viewed as the SOHA architecture'sevolution for basic page HTML, it's shifting away from XHTML and back to HTMLto be more backward compatible, more light weight and more HTML5ready. It prompts the practice of POSH, since semantic HTML gives better markuphierarchy and meaningful groups, search engine can potentially give a betterranking because of the semantic meanings.

For example, when screen reader/user agent or search engine sees <divid="pageHeader">...</div>, it cannot sense the DIVcontains thepage header (since those robots cannot make sense from tag id), although thepage header DIV usually holds site wise general information, but itappears as a regular DIV for grouping purpose with no semantic meaning. If wechange the DIV page header container to be <headerid="pageHeader">...</header>, when screen reader/user agent or searchengine reads it, they would get the semantic meaning for a page header, thencan better process the information in a meaningful context for better contentindex or page ranking.

Whatabove is just one potential benefits of POSH, there are lots of other posts talking about why we need semantic HTML. In a nutshell, if webprofessional cares about the site's long term readability, maintainability andstay standards based and future proof, they would embrace POSH for cleaner,lighter, well structured and meaningful tags for HTML contents. Since almostall HTML code are hand crafted within SOHA architecture, it improves thefoundations of SOHA profoundly.

Thequestion is, for HTML5 semantic tags based page layout, does itwork in older browsers (which has no HTML5 support at all)? Evenwith current version of modern browsers, they do not have full HTML5tags supports yet (only with partial HTML5 support), how can wemake sure this HTML5 based page layout works across browsersand across platforms? Based on WHATWG spec, most frequently used HTML5 sectioning tags includes article, aside,details, figcaption, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section, etc.In order to start using HTML5 tags now and still render and behavecorrectly across browsers, we also need some workaround from JavaScript (HTML5 shim/shiv for IE) and CSS (needs to set new tags display rules), whenbrowsers provide more HTML5 supports, we can gradually remove thoseworkaround in the future.

Sinceour goal is to provide a page template, we'll focus on HTML5sectioning tags, also includes the changes from DOCTYPE, META tags, SCRIPT tag,semantic HTML5 tags, and CSS. Let's start with page DOCTYPE.



The DOCTYPE declaration for an HTML page will tell the browser torender the page in standard mode, although it has a DTD URI in the declaration,browsers do not retrieve the DTD from the specified URL to validate the markup.If a page has no DOCTYPE declaration, like the early age (before late 90s)HTML content, the browser will render them in "quicks mode" for compatibility reasons.

A typical XHTML 1.0 transitional DOCTYPE is listed below:


<!--XHTML 1.0 Transitional DOCTYPE, absent for HTML5-->
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML1.0 Transitional//EN"

It'snot terribly long, but I can never remember it, always rely on tools or IDE toinsert it for me. Instead, HTML5 DOCTYPE is much simplified (and tested):


<!-- HTML5 DOCTYPE -->
<!DOCTYPE html>

Muchclean and simple, never need to rely on tools to write it. As a matter of fact,the longer XHTML DOCTYPE just worked the same way as the shorter HTML5DOCTYPE: as long as browser sees the DOCTYPE declaration, no matter what typeof DTD specified, it just switched to standard mode to render the page, thebrowser never actually download DTD and validate the HTML document, it seemsonly works for HTML editor at design time.

Furthermore,other common tags are simplified in HTML5 too.


HTML5 Simplifies Tags

First, the root HTML tag doesn't need the namespace (since HTML5 is moving away from XML), it only needs the LANGattribute. Aclassic English content HTML root tag is used to be:


<!-- namespace is not needed in HTML5 root element -->

<html xmlns=""




In HTML5,root element can be written as:




Additionally, bothsome meta tags and the common script tags are simplified. A typical UTF-8encoding meta tag used to be:


<!-- long UTF-8 charset meta tag, absent from HTML5-->

<metahttp-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>


The charset meta tag is simplified to be:




As for the script tag, it used to be:


<!-- type attribute in script tag is not required in HTML5-->

<script type="text/javascript" src="javascripts/lib/jquery-1.4.4.min.js"></script>

SinceJavaScript is the only scripting language in HTML5, there is no needto specify the type attribute, it's shorten to:




What above is about some simplification in before the <body> tag in HTML5, let's see how the page layout is changed.


HTML5 Semantic Tags Based pagelayout

A typical HTML pagewould have a page header, footer and middle page content. Within the middlepage content, at the top level, it may have navigation, content and aside 3columns. Certainly, within the content, it may embed more sections, that wouldbe up to each page's specific content.

Fig.1 show this top level page layoutvisually:

Typically, <header> groups of introductory or navigational aids.Usually, header element is intended to contain the section's heading,it can wrap a section's table of contents, search form, logos, etc; On thebottom, <footer> typically contains information about its section suchas who wrote it, links to related documents, copyright data, and the like; inthe middle of the page, <nav> element represents asection of a page that links to other pages or to parts within the page,usually a section with navigation links; <aside> content is tangentiallyrelated to the content around the aside element, it can be considered separatefrom that content, for example, pull quotes or sidebars, advertising, etc. Atthe very center of the page layout, <section> contains a logical orphysical grouped content in generic document or application, for instance, website's home page could be split into sections for an introduction, news items,contact information. And <article> tag is self-containedcomposition in a document, page, application, or site could be distributedindependently. Examples: <article> can contain a forum post,a magazine or newspaper article, a Web log entry, a user-submitted comment, aninteractive widget or gadget, or any other independent item of content.

Here below is theskeleton HTML code that represents the above layout:

Fig.2 HTML code for page layout




  <header id="pageHeader"></header>

  <div id="contentContainer"class="clearfix">

    <nav id="pageNav"></nav>

    <section id="pageSection">


      <article class="sectionArticle"></article>

      <footer class="sectionFooter"></footer>




  <footer id="pageFooter"></footer>




You may use different code to lay it out, like you can use floatlayout forthe middle row that contains <nav>, <section> and <aside>. I'm using <DIV> for grouping purpose, byusing the "clearfix" style, it makes sure its direct childrenelements will layout horizontally in one row, then we can avoid using emptytags just for layout without any semantic meaning. I usually assign IDs to thetags that only have instance in a page, while using CLASSfor potentialmultiple instances. For example, top level header <header> has ID of pageHeader, while section header hasCLASS of sectionHeader.

Now we have a simpleand easy page layout HTML code, we do need some help from JavaScript and CSS tomake it work across browsers today.


JavaScript and CSS for Semantic HTML5 Tag Page Layout

Sincethe current version of browsers do not have full support for HTML5specific tags, they just treat them as user defined tags. All major browsers,except Internet Explorer (including IE6, IE7 and IE8), just render the tag as ainline element, and give developers the freedom to style them, as we usually dofor other tags that need custom styles, we can safely say these browsers enabledevelopers to use semantic HTML5 tag layout already, we only needto treat Internet Explorer differently.

SinceIE doesn't know how to render unrecognized tags and refuse styling them, we canuse HTML5 shiv/shim to make them work. This the technique found by Sjoerd Visscher, if a DOM element created by script with the same name as the tag,then IE starts to honor the styling, that's basically what the html5.js does, we can useconditional comments links to put it in just for IE:


<span class="com"><!--[if lt IE 9]><script src=""></script><![endif]--></span>


Non-IE browsers willtreat the above conditional script tag as comment, while only IE when versionlower than 9 will run the script. The following CSS rule will tell all browsersto render all our sectioning tags as block element:


--html5 semantics tags --article, aside, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section { display: block;}

In order to make the page layout CSS to be a sound foundation for realworld web pages, here below are the CSS rules that have simple CSS reset andbasic 960 layout (that centers then pageContent within browser window),plus the clearfix styles:


--html5 semantics tags --article, aside, figure, footer, header, hgroup, menu, nav, section { display: block;}

-- light cssreset --* { margin : 0; padding : 0;}h2, h3, h4, h5, p, ul, ol  { margin : 0 20px; padding : .5em 0;}img { border: 0px;}

-- =page levelcontainer --#pageContainer {    margin: 0px auto 0px auto;        width: 960px;}

#pageHeader {    margin:0px auto0px auto;    width:960px;    height:82px;    position:relative;}

#contentContainer {    margin: 0px;    padding-top: 10px;    padding-bottom: 20px;    min-height: 500px;}

#pageFooter {    margin: 0px auto;    padding-bottom: 20px;        width: 960px;        position: relative;}

-- ClearFloated Elements --.clearfix:before, .clearfix:after {content: "\-020"; display: block; height: 0; visibility: hidden;}.clearfix:after { clear: both;}.clearfix { zoom: 1;}


Formore sophisticated HTML5 page template, you can reference HTML5 boilerplate.


Wrap Up

The sample HTML page is actually an improvementto the sample page provided in Web App Common Tasks by jQuery, it not onlyuses the semantic HTML5 tags discussed in this article, but alsorefactored the CBEXP JavaScript file as jQuery.sohabase.js to better fit into the SOAHarchitecture. By comparing the source code, you can see page layout and visualsstyles are pretty much the same as before, scripting functions the same waytoo, while the HTML code is more concise and semantically meaningful.

SemanticHTML5 tag page layout simplifies basic page layout and enables to start HTML5tags today across browsers and platform, it has the full benefits of POSH andrenders web pages in a more future-proof and standard way. It uses simple whilemeaningful and less HTML code to construct the skeleton of a page, much easierto create, understand and maintain, also keeps the flexibility of sizing,positioning and styling by CSS. Since HTML5 is where the Web ismoving to, why not give it a try when you are building something new?

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